Howdy and glad you stopped in at Jesus' Little Cow-Hide Booted Wrangler!

All young people that follow Jesus are His knights for Truth. We are all created by the One true God of the Bible, the one that made you and me!
This is a blog that expresses the joy that I have in Jesus!

Please stay and read.

There's much to laugh, smile and enjoy about here!:)

I'll be praying for future husband=)

Outside Lookin' In. I choregraphed my dance try-out to this song! my fav. of Lori's songs!:)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Discover THE TRUTH for YOURself

Have you ever wondered if the high and mighty scientists that "claim" that we came from 'Slime Mold', teaching our children that we originated from NOTHING, then POOF! there's a blob, and the blob grows over millions of years, becomes a monkey, which then becomes a smarter monkey, which then becomes us?  If this theory, which is referred to by our schools now as FACT, is true, then why haven't we found the thousands and millions of "in-between" fossils of all the half-monkey, half humans, and half blob/fish half monkey creatures?  Even Darwin himself stated that if there wasn't thousands of in between fossils to support his hypothesis, then the entire Evolutionism is false.  Well guess what?  To this very day, not ONE "in-between" fossil has been found to support his theory!  Not one!  People have tried to make a perfectly accurate fossil look like an "in-between" fossil, but no fossil has been found, no matter how long we try to look at it.  Even Atheists and other anti-God people admit that if what they're saying is true about God not existing, then there is no purpose for any person, any life, nothing has a purpose...resulting in no hope.  I don't know about you, but I'm not too excited about believing that I evolved from a Slime blob, was evolved by accident by a big BANG and have no purpose in life~!  And yet this is what many regular public schools, including our local school, are teaching to the children of America!  The other day, my mom had the opprotunity to influence some 7th graders, and as they watched a video about bacteria, the video stated something according to the following: 'Slime Mold could very well be the first process that evolved millions of years ago..."
My mom was like: "Now you guys know that you didn't come from slime mold, but that God created you, right?"
And one little hopeful girl answered,
"I hope so!"
Isn't that sad?  If all we think is true all our lives is that we came from slime, that we aren't important, we aren't valuable, and we don't mean anything to anyone, we're just descendants of our slime blob ancestors, then where does hope come from?  Where does the meaning of purpose that fills our hearts and makes us feel loved and unquie originate from?  The more we study our history, and the more we study the Bible and Creation for ourselves, the more we will be assured over and over again that we were CREATED by a CREATOR for a PURPOSE.  We watch movies like Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and other ones that inspire us to be brave and make us feel like we have a purpose that has been given to us by Someone higher than us, a King, a Creator.  The Bible is absolute TRUTH, and the very first book of the Bible states, Genesis 1:1 "IN THE BEGINNING, GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH."  As Americans, many of us own a Bible, and if not, we know someone that owns one.  Why do we accept all these theories and "so-called truths" by scientists, instead of simply finding out what's truly the TRUTH for ourselves?  In Bob Jones, Biology (bk A) for Freshman year, p. 15 states this about the limitations of Science,

'Limitations Inherent in the Scientific Method

Scientific investigations must deal with physical phenomena* (fih NAHM uh nuh), because experiments or surveys must have observable, measurable data to support a conclusion.  A problem investigated by the scientific method is generally stated so that it can be answered with a yes, a no, or a number (such as a percentage or ratio.)  Questions asking how or why are not measurable and are therefore beyond the scope of science.  The scientific method cannot explain a phenomenon.'

P. 16 in Bob Jones Biology (bk A) freshman-

'The Limitations of Science

~ Science must deal with observable, measurable phenomena.
~Science can only describe, not explain.
~No experiment can be completely controlled.
~Observations may be faulty.
~Man's beliefs affect his judgment.
~Science must deal with repeatable results.
~Science cannot deal with values or morals.
~Science cannot prove a universal statement.
~Science cannot establish truth.'

Usually, the truths that the world tells you is true, and encourages you to believe and trust them and not to do your own research and study, is because there is something that is being hidden from you. Don't take my word for it, but study the Bible yourself!  Also, other wonderful resources that I have found very helpful are:

'The Beginning of the World' by Henry M. Morris
'Biology (bk A & B) by Bob Jones', Freshman year (2005, 3rd edition)

I encourage you to find the One and Only TRUTH that will give you satisfaction. 
Jesus Christ.



Sunday, September 16, 2012

Land of the Free?

The remembrance of 9/11 was exactly five days ago, marking 11 years since the catastrophe that paralyzed all of America...and the world.
The bombing of the World Trade Center, and of the Pentagon by Muslim martyrs.  Thousands were murdered, millions were left in questioning of their future, the world was left with one question: why?
"God bless America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave".  When the Declaration of Independence was signed two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, our America was founded on God Almighty, not Allah, not Budah, not anyone else.  We can say we are the land of the free because God gives freedom through His Son on the cross, Jesus Christ!!  He gives refuge to those that seek Him when He may be found.  He will not "leave you, nor forsake you".  We still live in the land of the free, the home of heroes, of leaders, of brave, regular people like you and I that instead of running away from the destruction, they ran toward it, because they KNEW that they were needed most where the chaos, trauma, death and horror was happening.  They didn't bend to injustice, but stood for liberty and freedom!
We still have heroes like that today!  Our firemen, policemen, regular people like us, gave they're lives at 9/11!  The brave heroes aren't see them when they're needed most.  They haven't disappeared.

My mom was telling me a story of this plane.  Just a normal, regular flight, with normal, regular people.
But suddenly, the realization hit them...the plane was being turned around.
All around, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, people and children, listened to their cell phones, hearing about the bombing of the World Trade Center.  Hearts skipped beats and sorrow beckoned.  Then it became clear.  Muslims had taken over the plane...they were going to crash into the White House!  Either way, they all knew they were going to die.  Fathers called home, "I love you."  Were the last words of so many lives.  Then, a man that was perhaps the bravest of them all, he called a friend, and told her to tell his wife that he loved her...but he knew what he had to do.  What they had to do.  They had to stop the Muslim Terrorists from destroying the House that had taken hold on all American hearts over the was America's heart, her soul.  The White House.

His words came:  "Let's roll."  And everyone knew what he meant.

Fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, crowded into the pilot chamber and stopped the terrorists.  But weeping sounded.  The plane hurtled into a field in Pennsylvania, probably the bravest heroes that day, died.

But they saved the White House!  America could not be destroyed.  Her people are willing to die for her....are you?

America is being oppressed right now...whether you want to believe it or not, the reality cannot be hidden.  Will you stand for the God that breathed into America and began her first heartbeat,
or will you shun your eyes and leave her alone?

By God's grace, let us stand for the freedom in which blood is the price.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Beginning School??? But Beginning Books????

~Never lower your perspective on books!  Good books, with the Truth of God and morale stories and meanings, are always profitable.  This school year, lets read books that profit us.  
Here's some of the latest novels that I've read that have inspired me and are truly God-honoring.
Summer of Promise (by Amanda Cabot)

Inspiring and based in the wild West in the 1880's, Abagail's true hope lies in the assurance that God has called her here...even if she doesn't know how or why yet.


Sunshine on Her Face  
(by Samantha M. Anne)

Beginning in 1860, Casri McKlay struggles with knowing her purpose in life.  After Indian raids, her Pa leaving her, and a tragic family loss, something happens that changes her life forever.

Before you Meet Prince Charming (by Sarah Mally)

Find answers to tough questions like: is dating wrong?  What do I do while I'm waiting for my Prince to come?  and many other questions in this Scripture-based, beautifully written book.

"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness."

Psalm 30:11

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer Fun with Friends & Summer Experiences

Hi blogger friends!  Its been a while since I've posted, but here's some cute little snippets of my friend fun!  


Samantha (Annie-Maureen)

A historical, summer field-trip to the Battle of Lone Jack Re-enactment in Missouri
Quite fascinating and very well done.

Our Very First eggs!!!!!!

Two of our chickens began to lay yesterday!  Our very first eggs!  They're 4 1/2 months old.

Blessings with your homes as well!


"Now, therefore," Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."

"Now, therefore,"  Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."
Joel 2:12