Howdy and glad you stopped in at Jesus' Little Cow-Hide Booted Wrangler!

All young people that follow Jesus are His knights for Truth. We are all created by the One true God of the Bible, the one that made you and me!
This is a blog that expresses the joy that I have in Jesus!

Please stay and read.

There's much to laugh, smile and enjoy about here!:)

I'll be praying for future husband=)

Outside Lookin' In. I choregraphed my dance try-out to this song! my fav. of Lori's songs!:)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ways to Witness Boldly for Jesus:

If we are truly Christians, and call ourselves followers of Jesus, can we truly love Him with our entire heart if we are too scared to make a stand for His name and share His love with the lost? 
A very encouraging, inspiring and challenging book that I've been reading recently is called: "One Thing you Can't Do in Heaven", by Mark Cahill (A BOOK THAT I HIGHLY RECCOMEND) and that's obviously, witnessing to the non-believers. 

Ways you can witness to others are:

~ Write a scripture with every letter you send, bill, etc. 
~ Keep tracts with you where ever you go so your ready to hand them out
~ Strike a causal conversation with someone, and share the love of Jesus with that person.  If you truly care where their soul will spend eternity and love that person, they will see it in your eyes and will know that you aren't simply trying to shove something down their throat.

These are simply some ways and ideas that you can witness God's redeeming love to others.  Don't be fearful to ask others where they are in their faith! 
Sometimes, I feel like so many of us are too concerned about the "things of this earth" instead of the things of Heaven.  If your not certain yourself where you'll go after you die, then open up the book of 1 John, and read through it till your eyes hurt.  When I was struggling with my assurance, I complained to my dad about it and he repeated over and over, "Are you reading 1 John?"  "Yes, Dad."  I'd answer, frustrated.  I re-read the book of 1 John probably four or five times before God opened my eyes to how precious Jesus is to those that have faith in Him.

~  I had just turned thirteen, two years ago, and was sitting in the church pew listening to the pastor preach.  I can't remember exactly everything he was saying, but one thing I can remember clearly is I remember him saying, "Here's God, and here's you."  He spread his arms apart to demonstrate the huge gap between sinners and Holy God.  I remember him saying how Jesus was the payment for our sins,  how He is the answer to that gap.  We can't get to Heaven by "trying to be a good person", never killing someone isn't good enough.  Jesus said that even if you simply hate someone you have already killed them in your heart.  I can remember the times before that glorious day when I was saved, when I would be in tears of frustration, trying to figure out what was wrong with me...why I was doubting God.  I remember that I had watched the Martin Luther movie, (which is awesome by the way), and there was a part in the movie when Martin Luther was crawling up hundreds of stone stairs to the top of this platform, repeating a prayer with each step he took, and supposedly that would save his soul from Hell.  I remember thinking how evil and wrong this was, that Jesus is the only One that can save my sinful soul from Hell, but yet at that point in my life I sort of felt like Martin Luther...what did I believe?  What was I truly trusting?  I would go into the closet and close the door, getting on my knees on the hard wood floor and cry to to God to save me, to forgive me for sinning against Him...but I wasn't getting on my knees because I was repentant, but because I, in a way, was trying to look like I was "suffering" for Christ, THEN maybe I could get into Heaven.  I was no different than what Martin Luther had been doing in the movie before his conversion! 
~But that one Sunday, November 13th 2010 I think it was, Jesus found me, and I ran into His arms.  I was sick and tired and sick and tired and sick and tired a million times over of being frustrated with myself and of feeling no hope or joy.  I was ready to taste the true joy that only Jesus Christ the Son of God can give.  I wanted to know Him...and it was like, as the tears rolled down my cheeks and I looked into my lap, feeling so unworthy...Jesus showed me that yes, I am unworthy, but HE is WORTHY!  He payed the price for my sins on the cross, I don't have to try to be worthy because Jesus' worthiness is wrapped about MY shoulders when I trust in Him!  The most beautiful feeling in the world overcame me, and I simply found a peace the enveloped my soul like the sunlight envelopes a room, or the breeze blows through your hair and fills your lungs with clean, new air.  I felt like a different Samantha...I was a different Samantha!  I AM a different Samantha, and that's all because Jesus came into my heart and saved me!  Let His name be forever praised!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away- behold, all things have become new."

And trust me, when Jesus says all things...He means ALL THINGS! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Watch out Pork Fans of America! The first EVER pig RAP! By Sam, Austin and Elena

Autumn Dreams & Fall Colors Flashing Bright and Beautiful

Hot Wasabi Peanuts...eatin' them before our field trip as my breakfast (lol)

On a School Field Trip!!!

Ruffle me up!!!


My first Roasted Peanut Harvest

Me in our Woods

In our Woods in Autumn

Me and our cute and ornery puppy Benji

Maddie my BFF and our Chicken Ellie

Jordan munchin' on a peanut that I grew

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The BEST BALLET BIRTHDAY present ever!

My new Ballet Barre that my parents surprised me with!  Its better than I even dreamed of, and now I can practice my dancing whenever I want!  And teach my sister and other little girls on it...practice being a ballet teacher! ~

"Now, therefore," Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."

"Now, therefore,"  Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."
Joel 2:12