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All young people that follow Jesus are His knights for Truth. We are all created by the One true God of the Bible, the one that made you and me!
This is a blog that expresses the joy that I have in Jesus!

Please stay and read.

There's much to laugh, smile and enjoy about here!:)

I'll be praying for future husband=)

Outside Lookin' In. I choregraphed my dance try-out to this song! my fav. of Lori's songs!:)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Snippets from the 'Sunshine on Her Face' book

Step back into pioneer time with a snippet from each chapter of the 'Sunshine on Her Face' book

Chapter One

A large golden leaf fell from its beloved branch and drifted to the grass below. Then, as if being beckoned by the first leaf, a multitude of other leaves followed the first, bright golds and reds, creating the most beautiful sight Casri Eloise McKlay had ever seen. She sighed and propped her head in her hands.
This generally perplexed Casri because she wanted to know why each leaf did the same thing as the one before it. Swish, swish, swish, they went. Why didn’t one of them hold on? Why must they all fall?  Was this their purpose?  Casri wished she knew the answer… just like she wished she knew the answer to many other questions…like how the sky could be a glorious blue then suddenly turn a dull gray.
                She wished she knew why the sun gave her a supernatural feeling of tranquility and hope when it beamed down upon her freckled face warmly.  She wished she knew why her father had left her family when she was only three. But most of all, she wished she truly knew her purpose in life.........



Chapter Two

Casri didn’t realize as the days of early autumn passed and  innumerable leaves sailed to the ground, something stirred deep within her heart.  Something so precious and wonderful that it spilled from her heart openly, like the flowing of a waterfall.  But even though she didn’t recognize it, someone else certainly did.  It all started one day…on September 22nd, 1860...........

Sunshine on their Faces
Chapter 3
“Casri!”  Mrs. McKlay smiled at her daughter with a mother’s love as they did the wash out in front of the cabin on a Monday morning.  Casri could tell that by her smile Ma had forgotten about all the things they still had to do that day.  

For the entire bk 1 of Sunshine on Her Face please comment on this post and leave your e-mail and I'll contact you as soon as possible.  
Samantha (Annie-Maureen)

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Please ask yourself every time before you post if it honors Jesus.
I know if your doing that then your heart wants to please Him!

Thank you,
A Sister In the Lord Jesus,

Samantha Anne

"Now, therefore," Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."

"Now, therefore,"  Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."
Joel 2:12