~Have you ever been in a play or show before? There's always lots of practicing, learning, memorizing, perfecting, obstacles and etc., isn't there? I am currently in a play that is based off of the book that I wrote, (I wrote the script too) Sunshine on Her Face is what its called. Here's some snippets, pictures, and funny little things that happen when your in a play or producing one!!!
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Whoa! What's going on??? Is it my line yet? Oh, yeah, we're supposed to be taking a picture, guys!!! |
Like, one time, at the following line,
CHIEF DELSHAY: We’re gathered here today, under authority
of Great Spirit, to test honor and
courage of white men captives. We know
future of white men rely on their skill and readiness. But even if they do not make test, they
still set example to all other white men of us… we are, Tonto Apache!
Right after 'We are, Tonto Apache!' is when they did the funny thing....
Some of the boys went, ''HUGH!" All in unison, like a war cry!
"Hey, that sounded cool! Do that again!" My mom said, and so now its going to be a funny snippet in our play!!:)
Here's some Snippets of the Sunshine On Her Face Script~
CAST of Sunshine On Her Face Play
Eloise McKlay: A young girl in search of her
Ethan Kayleb
Rox: A young man that directs Casri to her one and only true
purpose in life, Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Elsie
Rox: The kindly woman who takes in Casri and is Ethan’s mother.
Mr. Edward
Rox: Mrs. Rox’s husband, who is determined to defend his
Rebecca McKlay: Casri’s loving mother who has her
strength in the Lord.
Mr. David
McKlay or ‘White Creek’: Casri’s father who leaves her when she
is but a young girl. He finally finds
Christ and is reunited with his daughter.
Sunlight: The quiet, young Indian girl that
befriends Casri during her captivity and comes to feel as if they were
Delshay: The rock-faced Indian Chief that shows
no grace to Ethan and charges him guilty.
Moon: The cruel Indian leader.
Narrators 1, 2 & 3: The amazing speakers for flashbacks and more!
Mr. Peter Edly: The shopkeeper of a General Store near the Agua Caliente Mountains.
The Little
Singing Indians: The cute little Indians that sing for
the chief!
Casri: In the flashbacks when Casri is
depicted as a young girl.
Jesus: The
Son of God that promises whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have
everlasting life in Heaven with Him.
Scene 1
Set-up: McKlay kitchen. Cot is in left-hand corner,
left side to stove. Mrs. McKlay is
setting the table. Little Casri is
looking out the window.
NARRATOR 1#: Amelia: The story begins near the foot of the Agua
Caliente Mountains in the fall season.
A little cozy cabin sits just a few miles from Flap-Jack Ranch, 6 miles
SW of Agua Caliente, California.
It’s November 15th, 1849.
come back from that winduh’.
Ma, when is Papa comin’? He’s been gone
a long time!!
(Taking L. Casri away from the window). Pa
will come when he comes, child.
Casri mopes as she walks to the table and sits down. She’s still pouting when Mr. McKlay stumbles through the door on
the right. Casri runs to him.)
Is this my little chickadee? (Looking down at L. Casri)
You’ve grown since I’ve seen you last.
I didn’t grow, Papa. I’m just standin’ on my tippy toes lookin’ for Pa and Benji!
Well good!
You growin’ up way too fast as it is!
(Coming up to Mr. McKlay and hugging
him). Oh
David, you’re soaked!
MR. MCKLAY: Sho’ am!
gets out of the way as Mr. McKlay takes off his wet coat and Mrs. McKlay puts
it by the fire to dry. Mr. McKlay goes
to the table and sits down. Mrs. McKlay
goes the stove and pours a cup of hot tea for him. She gives it to him then
sits down.)
comin’ down hard out there?
MR. MCKLAY: ‘Bout as
hard as the Almighty would let it. But
praise the Lord, I’m home safe and sound!
wet, Papa?
MR. MCKLAY: Yes, my
chickadee. (Turning to Mrs. McKlay.) Let’s get
little chickadee to bed, Becca. I have
some things to tell ya…
MRS. MCKLAY: All right
sugarplum, Pa says its time for bed.
LITTLE CASRI: Ooh! But Papa…
MRS. MCKLAY: You heard
your Pa. Give me a kiss, get in bed,
& say your prayers.
Mama! Goodnight Papa! I love you!
Casri gives her a kiss, then skips to the cot near the stove. She lies down and closes her eyes. Mrs. McKlay sighs)
MRS. MCKLAY: Good night
MR. MCKLAY: Goodnight Casri-girl. Go to sleep.
MRS. MCKLAY: She’s uh
handful but such a blessing from God.
MR. MCKLAY: Yeah, been
goin’ too long on them huntin’ trips I reckon.
Really does seem like she’s grown an inch or two taller.
were going to tell me something?
a slight pause. Mr. McKlay leans closer
on the table.)
MR. MCKLAY: Oh, yes
ma’am. On one of my hunting trips, I
went in to town to buy some more bullets at the General Store. While I was
there I saw that the latest copy of New Times was in, and went ahead and took a
look at it. It was them headlines,
Rebecca. They got me right by the
heart. Gold. Enough gold for ah king.
Right down in the Northern Californy’ territory. Right here in Ol’ Californiy! Can you believe it?
MRS. MCKLAY: Here? But oh, David, Northern…
know! Idn’t it grand? And jes, think Rebecca; there be ‘nough of
that gold to make as rich as the queen of England! What’d you think?
MRS. MCKLAY: Northern
California isn’t close, David! It’s many hundred miles from here. And there be Indians and disease and other
untrustworthy prospectors! How’m I
supposed to count on you comin’ back?
MR. MCKLAY: Count on
me? (Voice rising, standing up) Why
wouldn’t you be able to count on me?
I’m a trustworthy fellow, and the good Lord will be watchin’ out for
me…You think I’m gonna let some little band of savages stop me? Or some small sickness or ornery prospectors? Jes’ how weak and sickly do you think I am,
MRS. MCKLAY: (Standing) You’re my husband, that’s who you
are. And Casri’s Pa. And if you leave….there’s no tellin’ I’ll
ever see you again. No matter how brave
you think you are, David McKlay.
MR. MCKLAY: I don’t
just think I’m brave,
Becca. I know. This is an opportunity. It could change our lives.....
To read what happens to Mr. McKlay and Mrs. McKlay, contact me through e-mail or commenting to order a script~!
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A Sister In the Lord Jesus,
Samantha Anne