Hi there bloggers!
Wanted to let you know, that as much as we enjoyed putting on the Father/Daughter Purity Ball, we are actually having a different type of fundraiser this year.
We are putting on a musical production of It's a Wonderful Life as a fundraiser for our adoption fund. http://jesusadoptsme.blogspot.com/
For more info, please visit our show website @

Wanted to let you know, that as much as we enjoyed putting on the Father/Daughter Purity Ball, we are actually having a different type of fundraiser this year.
We are putting on a musical production of It's a Wonderful Life as a fundraiser for our adoption fund. http://jesusadoptsme.blogspot.com/
For more info, please visit our show website @

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Please ask yourself every time before you post if it honors Jesus.
I know if your doing that then your heart wants to please Him!
Thank you,
A Sister In the Lord Jesus,
Samantha Anne