Howdy and glad you stopped in at Jesus' Little Cow-Hide Booted Wrangler!

All young people that follow Jesus are His knights for Truth. We are all created by the One true God of the Bible, the one that made you and me!
This is a blog that expresses the joy that I have in Jesus!

Please stay and read.

There's much to laugh, smile and enjoy about here!:)

I'll be praying for future husband=)

Outside Lookin' In. I choregraphed my dance try-out to this song! my fav. of Lori's songs!:)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stories Almost Classic...

  • If I could be any Superhero, I’d be……..

WonderMater!!  WonderMater has awesome and hilarious ways to get the bad guys. 

1.  He can get the bad guys by making his tongue really long and licking them.  (Then that makes them freak-out and they just run away, screaming “mama”)

2. WonderMater can also get the bad guys by activating his wings, (they pop out whenever he says, “wings activate!”) and flying down and landing on their heads.  Usually that freaks them out so much that they just faint or have a heart-attack. 

3. WonderMater  can also beat-up the bad dudes with his deadly buck-teeth.  First, what he does is he (well, his teeth are already sticking out) so he just sticks them out even farther and then drives really fast toward the bad guys, as he sings, “three maters came o’gettin', o’gettin', to get the bad guys.  Three maters came o’gettin’ to git the baaad-guys, tooooday!!”  And that scares them out of their pants I tell you! 

Also, besides his beautiful powers to get the bad guys, WonderMater also has a special vision that he can turn on at night.  So when the bad guys are having trouble seeing, he can see really good because his eyes grow to the size of a basketball!!! 

Another thing that is really cool, is that WonderMater has a Matey-sense that tells him if something is wrong.  He also can blow bubble gum so huge that it lifts him into the air and he can float around as if it were a balloon. 

Another thing WonderMater can do is he has this really cool thing where if someone is trying to get him, all he hast to do is clear his throat and spit on them, and they turn to a Mater themselves!  Then Mater has another buddy, and they go out conquering the world like Batman and Robin!! 

But I must say, that my favorite thing about WonderMater is that he has a kind heart toward baby cars, and especially has an understanding spirit toward other redmotor, (redneck) and hillbilly cars like himself. 

SO anyway, WONDERMATER is my best, and as his motto goes,
            “IF there’s bad guys on the run, stick out your teeth and have a little fun!” 


My Favorite Thing about Spring Break~ 

Spring break is fun because there's no schoolwork I had to do!  I was free to write in one of my books, or to read or play outside.  With spring coming, and the white blossoms on the Ornamental Pear tree, and the emerald-coloring grasses and freshness in the air, I love to go outside even more than before now!  Also over spring break we started our first garden in our new home!  Spring break is really neat, also because I have more time to play with my siblings.
But I must say that my favorite thing about Spring Break is that I am free to do whatever I want!   

By Samantha

Musings of a Homeschool Mother (By Holly, my mom)

"A man of integrity expects to be believed...and when he's not, He'll let time prove him right."  by someone important.  Although I'm not sure who quoted this...I love this quote.  This is Holly...the Homeschool Mom of Samantha.

This has been one of my favorites for about 12 years.  Why?  Well, because, as a person, many times, we are not believed, disrespected, spit upon, or just plain not treated right!  Why?!  Well usually, it is an insecure person who treats others that way.  We must be careful that we do not treat someone else the same way.

Have you heard this one, "Ususally a hurting person hurts others."  This should give us great insight in why many people act the way they do.  They are hurting and sometimes we get in the way "of their hurt."

But....when words aren't enough...let us walk our walk and talk our Christians.  We do not need to be wimpy or nice, but bold Witnesses for Him.  We can be kind and have compassion, but when someone treats you like dirt, you can pray for him or her, and love them from a distance.  But let's not waste our precious time that God has given us on people that are ungrateful.

I'm willing to overlook many flaws...but not disrespect to me or my family or God. 

"As for me and my house, WE will serve the Lord."  Joshua 24:15

Until next time,
Your Homeschool Mom

Weekly Snippet from the Book of Isaiah

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"
 Then I said, "Here I am I!  Send me."  And He said, "Go and tell this people...."
Isaiah 6:8-9

Saturday, January 14, 2012

KITTY KORNER (stories in the perspectives of my cats)

  (In my cat Batman's perspective)
My Memoir of ‘Fallen Clouds’

I awoke one cold morning, after a long, cold windy night.  My new little striped brother, (the one in which my owner Austin calls Alex) stretched out beside me and went outside for his morning stroll in the tall grass.  He hadn’t been out for more than three seconds when I heard him say, “Brother!  Brother!  There’s cold clouds laying out here on the ground!  The clouds have fallen to the ground!” 
I rolled my eyes way up into my head and then curled up tighter.  Alex is known for his overreacting on many things, so I wasn’t about to jump right outside for nothing. 
For example, he overreacts a lot every time Sam pours the hard brown dirt clumps into his bowl, (in which Sam calls, ‘Cat food,’) and each time he just purrs his fur off and then comes over to my bowl and eats mine, because he thinks it’s that good.  Once in a while Sam or her mom will put out a little dish of fresh tuna juice or some sort of meat, and in my opinion, I call that kind of food, real ‘Cat food.’ 
Other things that he overreacts on is like this: one time we were playing ‘pounce on each other’s tail’ game, when Austin came out and said, “Alex!  Here boy!”  And Alex just stopped the whole game all together and ran to him.  Later, when I asked him why he did that, he said with his whole face glowing, “I didn’t get any attention at my previous owner’s place.  They just had two million of us in a big dirty barn, and fed us hardly enough for a mouse.  So that’s why I like to obey Austin.  He treats me nice.”  I just rolled my eyes. 
But today, he sounded nearly convincing.  He sounded like he wasn’t overreacting. 
          “Batman!  Bat Bro!  Bro Bat!  Come here!  You have to try this stuff!  It tastes like water!” 
I turned over and found him peeking his little head through the door, his mouth covered in white stuff.  “Come on bro!”  He urged again, and then he disappeared outside again. 
I must admit that I was beginning to become somewhat curious.  After all, he did have white stuff on his whiskers, what was that? 
So, as you’ve heard the saying, ‘Curiosity killed the cat’, I lived to write this, and when I went outside I found Alex to be right. 
White, cold clouds had fallen everywhere!  It was just enough to cover my paws, and I found that when I walked somewhere, it left little marks in the clouds of where my paw had once stepped.  It was awesome! 
Alex and I ran around in the white, cold clouds, pouncing on each other and rolling in it.  It was the most amazing thing that had ever happened! 
And after Sam had put our food in our bowls and went back inside, Alex came up to me and smiled. 
          “I heard them talking, and I found out what this stuff is called.” 
I looked at him, pausing at cleaning my paws. 
          “What?  I thought we knew what it was.  It’s fallen clouds.” 
His grin was even bigger now. 
          “Nope.  It’s called SNOW!”  And he threw a little pawful of it on my nose, making me sneeze. 
After getting him back, I finally said,
          “All right, all right.  So you knew something before I did.” 
But deep down, I was truly glad to have my new little brother here with me…to share the happy moment. 


 (Written by Samantha on 1-12-12) 

The Day when a Large House Plopped down from Heaven

There was a certain day, when as I came up to the deck, about to go up to eat, I noticed a new, rather large-looking object next to the stairs.  The little pig that has lots of fur and barks at me, heard me coming and came out of it.  So this must be the furry pig's new home. My owners call this furry enemy of mine, a 'dog,' and therefore think that the little furry pig needs a 'dog' house.  Whatever happened to a cat house?  Aren't I special enough to deserve one as well.  
I sulked as I went up the stairs and to the little wooden shack that I share with my adopted brother, Alex.
It makes up about a fourth or so of what the furry pig got, and so usually Alex and I are cramped when we sleep inside it.  It has cracks around the corners, where my owners hadn't done the best job in lining up the boards as walls.  It has no floor, whereas the furry pig has a painted floor, with a big fluffy sleeping bag to lay on!  The ceiling on our little house is simply flat, a box-like structure it is, whereas the furry pig has these things that the owners call 'shingles' on his, plus its pointed like my owners', so therefore it must be special if its a duplicate of my owners' home.
The furry pig's house was wonderful and perfect in every way.  It was so beautiful and new, that I was sure that it had plopped down straight from Heaven.

(written by Samantha on 3-2-12.  In my cat Batman's perspective.)   

Our 'Mama-Kitty' at the old house

Alex the cool Dude

Monday, January 9, 2012

My New Times Newspaper

Today the weather was sunny and warm, and the kids and I enjoyed playing outside with our dog Benji.  For lunch there was egg rolls, chicken and veggies and I enjoyed taking it easier today.  I had three cups of hot tea and it was nice to relax.  Hope tomorrow is just as pleasant!!!

The snow melting, now.  The kitty Alex stays close by still.  Today my Grandpa is visiting from the Saint Louis area, and I'm real excited!!!

It's very beautiful outside now, probably 60 degrees or so.  Its so pretty to watch the horses gallop in the pastures...I love it here in the country!!

Sunny but cold!!  Every time I look out the window it can be a sure reminder of the Lord's light that He shines into our hearts when we come to Him broken over our sin...and trust in Jesus.

Another gorgeous day today!  Probably above 70 degrees, and real sunny!  Went outside and played basketball, and hoed on my garden.  Earlier, I went with my siblings and mom to a music co-op with some friends.
A wonderful time to have in such a wonderful day!  Praise our God!  

"Now, therefore," Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."

"Now, therefore,"  Says the Lord, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping.."
Joel 2:12